Rorschach tests

Rorschach test is one of the most famous and accurate psychological tests, often used to know a person's behaviour,way of life, or to figure out if he has some kind of psychological illness like multiple personality, schizophrenia or some kind or depression.
In job interviews, it is specially used in jobs that require more mental strength or the skill to go through difficult situations in which mental health is compromised o even endangered. Some examples of these jobs are policeman, fireman, soldier and other jobs in which the use of weapons is very common...

The Rorschach test consists of 10 different blured ink spots, and the psychologist asks what you see in them, and the answer must be given quickly, or the answer given won't be valuable for the test.
Each ink spot represents a different part of our subconscious, or our "hidden" thoughts and behaviour.

These are the spots:

Spot 1:
It is used to know how a person would face up to a new situation and how he would adapt to it.
The usual answers is usually a butterfly, a bird, a bat, or even a woman.
Answers like a mask, or a strange creature, can be a sign of paranoia.

Spot 2:

It is used to know how the subject relates to people.
The best answer is two people looking at each other, as in a mirror, but other answers like clowns, a cave, or even a vagina, are positive.
If you don't distinguish human silhouettes it may mean a problem in your relationship with people.

Spot 3:

It is used to know the sexual preferences of the subject.
Most people see 2 human figures, some of them mentioning their sexual atributes.
If the answer is two men, the subject is heterosexual, if it is two women, he is homosexual.

Spot 4:

Maybe this one is the most difficult to catch. The most usual answers are a dragon, someone covered with a coat... It is used to detect traumas related to family, especially with the father. If the answer is a monster or an animal about to attack, it can mean fear of the father.

Spot 5:

It is used to detect schizophrenia in the subject.
The most frequent answers are a butterfly or a bat. If the answer is scissors, it can mean paranoia or fear of  knives and getting hurt. If the subject gives lots of answers,or especifically the answer of people moving all around, it is a clear symptom of schizophrenia.

Spot 6:

The most frequent answers are a hidden animal, a cloud, masks, or nothing in particular.
Answers referring to sexual references might mean a lack of shame in the subject, or even perversion.

Spot 7:

This spot reveals the subject's feeling to the mother.
The most usual answers are two women, or two faces.
The detailed description of the women that includes negative concepts ( witch, prostitutes...) may mean a problem with the mother or women in general. It usually detects sex freaks and even rapists.

Spot 8:

This one is used to see if the subject has or can suffer from anxiety.
The usual answers are seeing animals in the sides, or a quiet relaxing place, or even a Christmas tree.
Not seeing any of those can mean anxiety.

Spot 9:

Not much to see in it. And there aren't a lot of good answers.
An explosion may mean paranoia. A vagina may mean perversion. This spot is used to clarify the possible problems from other answers, or to dismiss any kind of suspect or possibility that the subject has a psychological disorder.

Spot 10:

This spot measures your organizing skill.
There are lots of positive answers, what counts is the imagination here.Any sexual reference is negative. A really positive answer is something looked through a microscope.

In this test it is really difficult to diagnose any mental disorder it if hasn't already been spotted.
Something that you shouldn't do is feel nervous, the psychologist may consider that you can have some problem and insist on some particular question or spot in the test.

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